There’s been a lot of doctoring between the two of you lately. Actually, more than just doctoring. Also picnicking, vacationing, housing, and many other forms of pretend play. Let May 2015 be recorded as the month when the two of you began cooperative play in earnest. I LOVE IT. It is so sweet, fun, relieving to find the two of you *entertaining each other* for the first time. At 2.5 and 5, you have managed to find a way to find activities in common. Adela, you are the little ring leader of course, giving instructions and commands, directing and taking the lead. But you’re very sweet about it usually. You ask. You’re a good little friend. “Josiah, do you want to sit here?” Josiah, do you want to lay down? Okay, now take your medicine. You’re sick. Okay, now let me listen to your heart.” And Josiah, saying “okay… okay… okay… me turn!” 🙂 The two of you playing together without my intervention for an hour or so at a time has become a regular occurrence. There are still many battles and some yelling matches and some chasing each other round when the other has what you yourself want. I have to intervene sometimes, but mostly, I’ve been trying to let you guys sort it out on your own. If you want stop arguing over something, I just take it and put it where neither one of you can have it. I don’t have to do that too often though. Adela, you’re really good at taking my advice about finding a solution both of you can live with. You forget sometimes, but I remind you, and you’ll do things like get a second pot out, if you’re both arguing over one of them. I can see you maturing before my eyes. It’s neat. You’re definitely developing those firstborn sibling traits.
Josiah, you managed to get yourself out of your crib for the first time this week. Apparently, Daddy came downstairs one morning to find you waddling around in your sleep sack, holding on your teetee, eerily quiet. You piled up all the stuff in your crib and hopped on over the edge somehow. You haven’t done it again since… at least to our knowledge. And you were so proud when you showed me how you accomplished your acrobatic feat.
I am once again making more of a conscious effort to spend time with you guys doing fun crafts and activities. It’s so easy for the days to just go by, filled with obligations and responsibilities. I want to make sure we’re carving out fun and creative times just because. Before I know it, you’ll be older and busier and it will get even harder. This week, we made Dinosaur Mountain out of homemade play dough and then made it “errupt.”