January 16, 2014
Josiah, you are a fruit and veggie man. And sausage, oddly enough. You love it all. All fruits, all veggies. I’ve yet to find one you don’t like. Brussel sprouts, asparagus, broccoli, oranges, berries, EVERYthing, espcially if it’s green. Sometimes the only way to get you to eat meat (aside from sausages) is to mix the meat and the veggies together on your tray and hope that some finds it’s way in your mouth accidentally.
Today is the day that you finally, after about 8 months of crawling and 3 months of walking, you finally figured out how to go DOWN stairs. Hurray! Luckily, I had my camera with me and was able to capture it happening. We hung out by the chapel when we picked up your sister from school and played on the stairs. Your sister loves helping you, and even assisted you in walking down them. Not quite ready for walking down stairs on your own yet.
I love watching the two of you together. You really are good to each other. You make each other happy. Of course there is irritation every now and then, but really, it’s the exception. You like being around each other, and it’s a joy for me to watch.