It’s kind of fun seeing whether or not you’re ready for the different activity bins I set up for you. Some of them are obvious not-quite-theres and some you get right away. This is one of those activities I figured you might still be a little young for, but not so. You literally did it on the first try without any help or instruction. You picked up a bead and stuck it on the pipe cleaner, just like that. I’d never done any threading with you before, at least not that I can remember. So I was pleasantly surprised. Your fine motor skills are pretty impressive.
I figured you might dump the beads over onto the floor. A lot of times, when you’re not quite ready for an activity, you participate but you do it in your own way (like for example, dumping all the beads on the ground and spreading them around.) I don’t mind of course. I let you do what you can with what I give you. It’s all about learning, so you don’t always have to know what you’re doing of course. But you surprised me this time. You were actually very careful, and even though you picked up the tupperware containing them to transport it around the room a few times (and had a couple accidental close calls) you managed to keep them all in the container. It was really satisfiying to watch you participate in an activity the way it was designed to participated in.
It took you a minute or 2 to figure out that holding the pipe cleaner near the tip gives you more control. One you figured that out, you were on a roll.
Hehe, beading is hard work. 🙂
We’re working on colors, or just matching like colors too. Beads are one of the tools we use to practice.You’re starting to get it. You get colors right a lot of the time, but it’s random enough that I think it’s mostly still luck. Matching we’re doing much better. Today you started taking 2 of each color out of the bin and handing them to me in like-pairs. That was cool because we’ve been working on matching for a few weeks now, and I’m not sure you got it at first. It’s so awesome to see that I can actually teach you things.
More on matching in the next Tot School Activity post…