DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

Photographs are such powerful tools. It would be nice if we could remember all the things we want to remember about our past. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way. My daughter turned 2 a couple months ago. I have the hardest time remembering what she was like as a newborn. Thank God for cameras and for photos that allow us to go back and relive the moments of our pasts! That kind of photojournalistic photography that documents my daughter’s life, my family, my friends. That is my ultimate passion in photography. I’m a person and photographer who values real moments, the preservation of real memories, commemorating real life, true stories. I like a pretty picture too. But in my mind, in my life, the photos that ALWAYS mean the most to me aren’t the ones that are *just* pretty. It’s the photos that remind me about how life used to be that really tug on my heart strings. I’m always after something real.

“Day in the Life” sessions are a way for me to share my passion for documenting life and preserving real memories with my clients.

This kind of session is kind of like having your own personal Paparazzi for the day. You don’t have to plan anything, do anything special, dress up, clean up. It means having a photographer there to capture what you would be doing anyway. That means everyday things like waking up the kiddos, getting ready, running errands, taking classes, going to events, visiting special places (like Disneyland) or ordinary ones (like the park or grocery store.) Plan your life as usual, then have a photographer show up to document it for you, to preserve your memories of your real life as they’re made in their usual way. Turn everyday moments into commemorative art, pretty pictures that also your story.


Meet Elizabeth. This is a small sampling of her Day in the Life session, a typical Thursday for her and her Momma – hanging out at home, getting ready for the day, going to the park, eating, doing silly things like trying on mom’s shoes, cute things like taking care of her “baby”, and special things like taking dancing lessons from her Mom. A little slice of their real life commemorated in photos.

It’s my hope that these photos (and the rest of the photos we took that day) help Keersten remember what it was like to have a 1.5 year old someday…and that they someday give Elizabeth a taste of what her life was like when she was little. It’s a sort of heritage only we can pass down to our kids, to give them a chance to know where they came from. It’s a priceless gift.

Day in the Life sessions are available for small families and large families, little kids and big kids, and couples. They can commemorate a typical day (like this session) or a special day (like a trip to Disneyland). A day in your life, wherever, whatever, preserved forever.

I’d love to chat with you about what a typical day in your life might look like and how we can preserve it for your family!

Check out another example of a different type of Day in the Life session Here.

Daily Dose of ‘Dela, my 365 project for this year, continues! Welcome to our life, February 2012. To keep things less overwhelming for me, I’m sharing all the photos from each month in a single post.  You can check out January’s photos and read more about my goals behind this 365 project HERE. Basically it’s about commemorating my family life, telling our story, capturing our real daily activities, the things I don’t want to forget about my precious little 2-year old through snapshots preserved in time.  Story-Telling photography that captures real life and preserves real memories is my ultimate passion in photography in my personal life as well as my main goal for DelaLane Photography. Preservation of the moments we can’t get back… I can’t think of a more worthwhile goal as a photographer or as a Mother.

 Check out January’s Daily Dose of ‘Dela photos Here. Find out more about Telling Your Story with a DelaLane Photography session Here.

And here are the captions for the above photos…

  1. …vacuum buddies…
  2. …kitchen planning…
  3. …books…
  4. …book party…
  5. …Sunday school…
  6. …peaceful moment, tumultuous day…
  7. …look what I made!…
  8. …the Adela Show, 1-girl band…
  9. …”chapstick, Momma?”…
  10. …coming home to the ones I love…
  11. …the coffee hand off…
  12. …lashes…
  13. …potty rewards…
  14. …in Benji’s bed…
  15. …lookin’ good…
  16. …gloomy…
  17. …in the fort
  18. …shopping for appliances…
  19. …peek-a-book from the fort window…
  20. …Twinkle Toes…
  21. …a french toast affair…
  22. …first panties…
  23. …the very last minutes of the day… (almost missed this one!!)
  24. …she’s a brushin’ machine…
  25. …morning cuddles in Momma and Daddy’s bed…
  26. …independent “reader”…
  27. …saying goodbye to Daddy…
  28. …Happy National Pancake Day!…
  29. …puzzles are frustrating…

Story-telling Photography. It’s a theme you’re going to be hearing a lot from me this year. Photography that captures real moments and preserves real memories, the kind of photos that will help us remember life as it is today for us and our families. It’s my passion in my personal life and my vision for DelaLane Photography. That’s the main purpose of this 365 (for those who don’t know what a 365 is, it’s 365 daily photos, one a day over the course of a year). It’s about encouraging me to pursue my passion, family photojournalism, to keep my vision fresh, not getting sucked into the mass of cookie-cutter photography out there. I want to do something different and stay true to what I love. And this is it.

It’s also about learning to be ready, even when I’m not. To take the best photos I can within just a few frames, within a couple of minutes, and to learn to do it consistently. It’s a worthy skill to develop, that ability to be ready, to anticipate when something great is about to happen, and to have the camera out, correctly set, to capture something that will likely only happen once. You don’t get a lot of do-overs with a toddler. And I don’t have time to take a 100 photos in the pursuit of perfection on a daily basis.

Thirdly, it’s about learning black and white. There are a thousand ways to create a black and white image and there are as many factors that go into whether or not the conversion is effective. So I hope to learn more about what goes into making great black and white photos this year, how to spot images that will translate best and how best to translate them. I usually prefer color images. I don’t think that’s a bad thing. But I’d love to learn to love black and white a little more, and do it a little better.

And the forth goal, of course, the preservation of my own personal memories of my most precious baby girl. After a year’s worth of memory collecting, all the images will go into a photo book – 2012 commemorated.

Here’s to a little bit of imperfection, to memories preserved, and to learning something new in 2012! And here are the days of January (minus 1), our story, my daughter, my family, our life in a few snapshots frozen in time.

And here’s the key, the captions for the images…

  1. -missing image-
  2. ….workin’ her vacuum…
  3. …oatmeal…
  4. …playing house..
  5. …towel head…
  6. …little laundry helper…
  7. …loves her trucks…
  8. …little breaths, little nails…
  9. …tea party with Abuelita…
  10. …sticker face…
  11. …feeding Belle…
  12. …affectionate girl…
  13. …miss potato head…
  14. …swingin’ with Daddy…
  15. …dancin’ with Daddy…
  16. …the fairest…
  17. …Costco…
  18. …bread…
  19. …catching Snow White…
  20. …”I don’t know”…
  21. …girls’ night out…
  22. …thank God for crackers and Daddy…
  23. …bathtub artist…
  24. …rainbow storytime…
  25. …kisses for Valentine’s bear…
  26. …pom pom pickup battle…
  27. …Mickey’s Fun Wheel…
  28. …drillin’ with Daddy…
  29. …playset walls are up…
  30. …at the dealership, waiting for Dad…
  31. …sweet little pony…

 January 1st is missing because I had my first memory card go bad and lost all the images I took that day. Boo! An imperfect start to a 365 embracing imperfection. Love the irony. 🙂

Here’s to February!

Archie is one awesome Senior. Of that I was convinced after first contact by his Dad. A prouder father you cannot find, and rightly so. His dad (a busy man himself) took the time, to send me photos and newspaper clippings to help me start getting to know Archie before the shoot. Archie is ranked #1 in his class, is on the board for the National Honor Society, and is team captain for of both the football and tennis teams for Twentynine Palms high school. He’s also involved in church and dedicates his time and talents to giving back to the community in many ways. Among many other things, Gary expressed to me what a moral guy Archie is, a man of values. “He is an exceptional young man and his success is my proudest accomplishment.  I always want the best for him, because I think he deserves it based on his dedication to succeed and become a productive member of society.” I was honored to be asked to take Senior Portraits, even more so because Gary said he chose me because he felt like I could capture “the soul” of his son. That’s a tall order. But it’s always my goal to go deep with photographs. And I am honored that he entrusted me with that task.

We started out our session on the football field, meeting up just about Sunrise.

The car shots were a kind of photography bucket-list fulfillment for me. I’ve always wanted to take some Senior Portraits with a classic car or truck. Archie brought along his ’66 Mustang and made my dreams come true. 🙂 I’m definitely willing to do it again though. It’s awesome. Cars are such great props.

We finished up our session on the grounds of Twentynine Palms high school. We took so many photos, I wish I could share them all. This post is getting long, so here’s just a small sampling.

I was very much impressed by Archie and by his family, obviously a solid, supportive family unit. Great kids usually do have great families supporting them and Archie got a leg up because of the home he was raised in. He’s graduating next week, a semester early, so that he can head out to Japan with his family for a few months before attending the Naval Academy in the fall. He has a bright future ahead of him if he stays grounded in the way he’s been raised, as I’m sure he will. He is capable, intelligent, personable, dedicated.

More great things await you, Archie. I’m so glad I had the opportunity to meet you and get to know you and your family a little bit. Best of luck and blessings on your graduation, move, and initiation into another great adventure next year.

Oh, and the medal above was given to me by Gary “for an exceptional job,” one of the very nicest things, a client has ever said to or done for me. Thank you so much!

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