DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

The C. Family has the coolest house, retro-modern awesomeness. Warm, inviting, colorful. I love colorful homes. Every time I’m in one, it makes me want to add more pop to my own living space. Our session in their awesome home was in honor of the addition of little Kelby and (and of course new big sister Kaelyn). I always recommend at home sessions to my clients. They’re challenging, it’s true. I never know what kind of light I’m walking into. At home sessions aren’t as easy as at-the-park sessions where you know you’re going to have pretty backgrounds and plenty of light and things are more predictable. But at home sessions are always unique. That’s the great thing about them. Every family’s home is unique, a direct reflection of them, their style, their favorite things, their life experiences, what’s important to them as individuals and as a family unit. It’s the home of their children. Pictures like these help kids know where they came from. I think that is AWESOME. A heritage, a treasure that they get to have passed down to them. I’m a big fan. Can you tell? 🙂

We incorporated their space, their dog, Kaelyn’s favorite outdoor activity (see below), the kids’ cool half green and pink bedroom with handmade (by Mom) quilts. We captured the kids as individuals and as part of their family, in their room, in their home. We captured Daddy/Daughter board game time when Kelby needed some extra attention from Mom. And some of the first moments Kaelyn experienced holding her new little brother. Precious moments.

Congratulations on becoming a foursome, C. Family! Thanks for letting me being a small part.

  • angie - WOW! LOVE THIS! These are so great! Love how well you got all of them in the first image! I also love how happy and full of life the big sister is. You captured her so well. Flawless newborn pics too.

    I am in the blog process of saying a similar speech about at home sessions. I just tried to take my own kids into nature and it was a flop. The next day, I got some great at home shots and they had no idea I was snapping away. Being at home is so much more real than you can get anywhere else.ReplyCancel

Forthe first three months of 2012, I took a photo of my daughter every day and converted them to black and white. But I missed color! So it’s back to the full spectrum for this month and at least the next 2. This process is teaching me so much. It’s really much harder than one would imagine – a true 365, with no cheating, no free passes, no days off, and my reputation as a photographer on the line with every photo I post and claim as my own. It’s intimidating, it’s tiring, it’s very involved and it’s soooo worth it! I’m really glad that I’ve managed to stick with it for 4 months already. I’m learning to see the opportunities in the everyday moments, even more than I already did, to be ready for new moments and find unique backgrounds and angles in the places I am every day. And I’m learning to make do when things aren’t perfect or inspiring. It’s making me dig. It’s making me grow. And it’s testing my commitment, because I don’t always feel like getting my camera out or bringing it along with me everywhere we go. But every month, I look back and smile and am so grateful that I did it, that I have this little slice of my baby girl’s life, her story. It’s a labor of love that I will cherish forever.

  1. …monkey…
  2. …jail…
  3. …Tia’s hammock…
  4. …ants on logs…
  5. …AM readings…
  6. …testing amenities…
  7. …a lesson in fries and ice cream…
  8. …Happy Easter!…
  9. …orangey smiles…
  10. …first salon appointment, final result…
  11. …princess power…
  12. …pasta prints…
  13. …April showers…
  14. …gonna getchu, Momma!…
  15. …center of attention…
  16. …not sleeping…
  17. …first time meeting Seth…
  18. …jungle cruise…
  19. …first character hug…
  20. …hauled…
  21. …lizard!…
  22. …hat model…
  23. …sick buddy…
  24. …still sick…
  25. …giant in the house…
  26. …kisses for belly…
  27. …backyard slide…
  28. …watching the Arizona Sunset…
  29. …piggy shadows…
  30. …shoes, glorious shoes…


To catch up on the rest of this year’s 365 photos, click Here.

I’m so glad I was able to fit this sweet couple in with only about 2 days notice. This baby girl is due to make her appearance any day and they had scheduled to have their maternity photos done in San Diego by another photographer, their wedding photographer. Unfortunately is was raining buckets the day their photos were supposed to happen, so I was happy to be their replacement photographer here in town. I’m so looking forward to meeting and photographing this baby girl when she makes her debut sometime in the next couple of weeks. I’m just loving all these babies I’ve gotten to photograph these past several months. Such a blessing. Babies, growing families, commemorating such fleeting moments in pictures.

Blessings on your birth and baby, Becca! Can’t wait to meet her!

Since putting this post together, Becca and Zach have welcomed little baby Ryan into their lives and hearts. Congratulations, you guys! Post of her newborn session coming up soon!

I can’t believe this is her third Easter. How the time flies. Last year she was walking, but wobbly. This year she’s a full blown little girl with. And she hasn’t lost her love of the hunt. Last year we celebrated at her Mima’s (Grandmother’s) house. This year we came back home, after church, and made a roasted leg of lamb feast, opened the Easter Basket and set up an Egg Hunt in our own front yard.

This is such a beautiful time of year in the desert. One of the reasons we bought the house we did is the age of the yard. It’s rare to find a house surrounded by so much vegetation in this part of the world, and it’s a blessing to me daily. I get to look outside my kitchen window while I’m doing the dishes and be reminded that the whole world isn’t brown. It’s good for this Northwest girl’s soul.

Anyway, here’s a small sampling of our own family photos from Addy’s third Easter, second Egg Hunt, a day full of fun, food and sweet memories.

For a trip down memory lane, here’s a link to her 2011 Egg Hunt.

Happy Easter! He is Risen.

Another year, another session to commemorate all the changes 12 months bring. A little older, a little taller, just as cute as last year. Another fun session with the B. Kids.

This year we visited some property a family friend owns, starting out at the house and then taking a walk out into the desert and exploring.

Scarlett turned 2, a couple days after this, the reason we scheduled this session when we did. We wanted to make sure we got some photos of her newly two self. Unfortunately, she wasn’t feeling her best and at first she didn’t want to do much but sit on Dad’s lap, drink her juice and glare at us all, haha. Thankfully she did warm up to the idea of hanging out when we let her be. Fortunately there were several fun activities available to her including a conch shell and a fish pond.

One of the greatest things for me about hanging around this family is seeing their family dynamic in action. These kids really love each other, they’re friends. It’s really beautiful how well they get along and genuinely enjoy each others’ company. How fortunate they all are to get to grow up in a family with so many people who love and care for them, so many people to be there for them in the future, to share life with.

I love how coordinated the kids are while still wearing completely different things. Amazing. It stresses me out trying to think about coordinating outfits for this many people Awesome job as usual, Nora.

Here’s to another year of growing up! 🙂

  • Nora Brady - You do an Awesome job as usual, no one compares.. And Ha it did stress me out coordinating those outfits and it takes me all day and several trips back and forth to different stores no joke like 6 hours till I finally make up my mind on whats what. Lol and then in the last few minutes before im about to give up, it all clicks and whala we have outfits. And im also budget friendly,total price el cheapo.. Thank you again for capturing the beauty of my children I really do cherish them. Throwing you one of my big ole lip smackin nibble bites and hugs and sunshine.ReplyCancel

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