DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

This sweet little family were the winners of a gift certificate we donated to the Hi Desert Pregnancy Clinic that was auctioned off during a local “Walk for Life” fundraiser earlier this year. It’s a private clinic in our area that lends practical assistance and counseling to pregnant women and mothers of young babies who are in need. If you’re interested in finding out more follow this link to their website, and here’s how you can Volunteer or Donate.

I met up with them at their home for our mini session, and a gorgeous home is it, on a huge plot of land. I think they have more trees in their “front yard” than all the houses on my street combined. It was fun to hang out with the kids on their own property and capture their individuality in a few frames each. Each one of those kids has stunning, and I mean *stunning* eyes. Bright Blue and Vibrant Green, all four of them. Their beautiful brown-eyed Momma, posted something really sweet as a comment to one of the preview pictures I put up on the DLP Facebook Page saying something along the lines of how God knew she fell in love with her husband’s eyes, so he gave them to their children. Aw. 🙂 Makes me smile every time.

There is nothing quite like summer nights in the desert. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t love the summers here. I’m a moderate temp kind of girl unless I’m in a bikini by the pool. But as soon as the sun starts to dip down in the sky, and the breezes (when they’re not gale force winds) start blowing, there is no better place to be. It’s so beautiful, and so comfortable. I’m reminded of it every time I get to do a sunset session in Joshua Tree National park.

And what a great family to spend a pleasant evening with. Loved them. Genuine, smiley, relaxed happy people, and 2 adorable munchkins with cute smiles. They had such great natural interactions and relaxed dynamic between them and their children. I LOVE that. It made for some of my favorite images of the year… (and made me want to get our own family photos done again soon!)

Also, mom and dad brought along the wagon that was used during their wedding ceremony to pull their flower girls down the aisle. Now, years later, it makes an appearance again, this time holding their two beautiful kiddos. Awesome.

Thanks for a great session, you guys! All the best. Can’t wait to do it again next year! 🙂

As a mom, this session appeals to me so much. It’s beautiful and cute and commemorative. It captures a “first time” that will fun to look back on for the rest of Felicity’s life. It also appeals to me as a family photojournalist who believes that photography should be about more than just recording what somebody looks like. Photographs should capture real life, personalities, memories. They should evoke nostalgia and affection and a little bit of the bittersweet. I think these photos, and all activity-based baby sessions, accomplish that. I love capturing little ones doing, experiencing, exploring, being themselves.

We dressed up our dolly in and let her have a good time. And it was super fun, for all of us.

Happy 8 Months, Felicity!

This session is the 9th in a “Year in the Life” series we’re doing to commemorate Felicity’s first year of life. See more Year in the Life mini sessions Here. Or go back to the beginning and see her as a sweet little Newborn Here.

Contact Me for more info if you’re interested in commemorating your own baby or child’s life in 2013. Spots are limited, but I’m currently looking for one or two more newborn to 3 year olds to participate in a Year in the Life series next year!

For Callan’s 4 Month session, we wanted to do something special with Dad, a father/son session. So Jason took his bug 4x4in’ in the desert just after sunrise and let me capture some images of him with 2 of his favorite things, his son and his car. According to Mom, this bug was Jason’s contingency plan – a man project – in case this little guy turned out to be girl #4 (they didn’t find out his gender until the day of his birth!) Now it’ll be a project the boys can work on together as he grows up. A win-win. I hope these are some of those photos that get recreated in 16 years when Cal has his own license and is driving himself around. 🙂

This session is the 5th in a “Year in the Life” series we’re doing to commemorate Callan’s first year of life. See more Year in the Life mini sessions Here. Or go back to the beginning and see her as a sweet little Newborn Here.

Contact Me for more info if you’re interested in commemorating your own baby or child’s life in 2013. Spots are limited, but I’m currently looking for one or two more newborn to 3 year olds to participate in a Year in the Life series next year!

I’ve mentioned elsewhere that during my pregnancy with our daughter I took a photo of myself every week to track my growing belly, and that I have some measure of guilt that I haven’t managed to pull that off for our son.

It’s not that I’m not just as excited as I was last time. I’m more exhausted this time. I feel less attractive. I’m busier. But there is just as much anticipation about the arrival of this new little life and his introduction to our family.

I wanted to take a photo that captures a little bit of that sentiment. I sit in this chair in his new nursery and imagine him and all the surprises, joys and challenges that will go along with a lifetime of raising him.

We only have 5 weeks left until we get our first glimpse, the first time we’ll feel his tiny weight in our arms. There is nothing quite like waiting for the arrival of your child.

Cherishing these moments…

F a c e b o o k
R e c e n t   P o s t s
M y   F a m i l y
I n s t a g r a m