DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

I’ve been stocking up on props for my in-home studio in preparation for having my own little newborn to photograph these next few months while I’m on maternity leave…

 *** (More sessions like this will available to clients next year! Stay tuned for more info!)***

…That and I had these awesome pumpkin pants that sweet little Felicity – one of my Year in the Life babies – didn’t want to pose in from a session earlier this week. Her Mom worked so hard on carving it, I couldn’t let it go to waste! Luckily an almost-three-year-old is much easier to bribe than a 10-month old. She basically ate jelly beans and M&Ms for lunch in order for me to get these photos, but I sure do think they are worth a little sugar high and extra tooth brushing. I’m never above a little bribery! So proud of my little girl. We have kind of an awesome working relationship when it comes to photography. I couldn’t ask for a better daughter or a better subject. Love her.

Hope the impending arrival of Autumn and all the wonderful holidays that follow treat you and your families well! Happy Pumpkin Month, everybody!


Oh, and here’s another little trick for all you folks who are trying to get some awesome pictures of your kiddos at the pumpkin patch this year. How about letting your kids favorite “friends” take their picture? Both Mickey and Baby Lady took quite a few of these photos for me. She loves to pose for her Disney friends. And then she insisted that I take one with her and them together. Totally her idea. 🙂

This is it. The last month (most likely) that I will be a mother of just one. It’s been a month full of last minute preparations, hurrying up and waiting. She’s become even more independent – in mind and action – this month. I feel like she’s grown up just in time for us to start all over with the arrival of a brand new baby. Cherishing these last days as a family of three and anticipating with joy and a little nervousness, the next chapter, the chapter where Craig and I become mother and father to a son, and Adela becomes a big sister…    🙂

…to be continued…

  1. …first buckle…
  2. …In-N-Out…
  3. …”Bebe Butta”…
  4. …soup for you…
  5. …bunnies…
  6. …babysitter…
  7. …kitties…
  8. …”cog cog”…
  9. …tooters…
  10. …”Mom’s earrings…
  11. …staying in bed…
  12. …macro lashes…
  13. …picker upper…
  14. …the face…
  15. …shopping break…
  16. …dirt cake…
  17. …”sunny day!”…
  18. …new beastie bestie…
  19. …teacups…
  20. …popsicle tongue…
  21. …bedtime essentials…
  22. …”hippopotamus”…
  23. …kitten bottoms x2…
  24. …styling…
  25. …jumping on the bed…
  26. …Baby Lady goes everywhere…
  27. …from grump to giggles…
  28. …besties in glasses…
  29. …baby brother’s balloon…
  30. …party crasher…

Check out more 365 posts, more Daily Dose of ‘Dela, Here.

For Callan’s 5 Month session we brought a little bit of the pumpkin patch to the desert. And we threw his 3 gorgeous sisters into the mix too. I’ll tell you what, luckily their Mom is buff.  She’s one of those fit ladies who is at the gym every time I manage to make it and always works out harder and longer than I do. Anyway, that bale of hay is super heavy and I certainly couldn’t have slung it around by myself at 9 months pregnant. We managed though and I think the images are cute enough to make up for the extra effort.

Love this gorgeous family and the super sweet little man who I get to photograph every month. (See more Year in the Life sessions Here.)

Doesn’t he make such a cute little autumn gourd? 🙂

Wanted to throw this last one in because I love it when parents are willing to use a little bribery. All three little girls, AND this big girl (i.e. me), got suckers after the session as a reward for a job well done. Aren’t they cute? Love these kiddos. 🙂

Look for DelaLane Photography to offer fall mini-sessions in 2013. I had planned on it for 2012, but God had other plans and is giving us a new baby boy instead. Currently 39 weeks and counting! So many plans for next year! So many changes on the horizon. Exciting! Stay tuned for baby news and for 2013 DLP announcements!

The best way to stay up to date is to “Like” us on facebook. Stay connected and be the first to find out about specials, giveaways and events!

Sometimes, as a photographer of babies, you walk away from a session just hoping you got a couple “money shots.” Kids are always cute. Smiling or serious. Sleepy or hyper. You have to go with it. You can’t control it. There are things you can do to manage it, but really little ones are always the boss. It’s something I wholeheartedly accept, as a mother and as a photographer. I love the photojournalism of photographing little ones and all the reality and unpredictability that comes with it.

  And then sometimes, with some kids, on some gorgeous evenings, it ends up being impossible to cull the images because you love every single one. This was one of those sessions. Here’s just a few to commemorate this girly girl’s 9 month birthday.

This session is the 10th in a “Year in the Life” series we’re doing to commemorate Felicity’s first year of life. See more Year in the Life mini sessions Here. Or go back to the beginning and see her as a sweet little Newborn Here.

Contact Me for more info if you’re interested in commemorating your own baby or child’s life in 2013. Spots are limited, but I’m currently looking for one or two more newborn to 3 year olds to participate in a Year in the Life series next year!

It’s so great to see my repeat clients on a yearly basis (or more)! I get a little attached to every kiddo whose pictures I get to take, and it’s really fun to see how they grow up and change as time passes. And these 2 were just as cute as I remembered.

I really prefer to make every session I do with families, especially those will smaller children, an activity or an adventure of some kind. Kids have so much more fun when they’re not made to sit in on spot and “say cheese,” and it’s still possible to get really cute posed pictures in the process of having fun. That’s one of the perks of living by a national park (and being blessed with such fun, relaxed clients!) – endless places to explore with all my youngest clients. It’s fun to look for lizards and bugs, collect sticks and climb rocks with them. I’m slowing down these days (T-minus 2 weeks now until my due date), but I managed to keep up… for the most part. 🙂

Thanks for entrusting me with your family’s memories once again, you guys! Can’t wait until next year! 🙂

  • angie - What an adorable family! Perfect pictures as always! The ones of the kids on the log are so adorable!ReplyCancel

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