DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

The big news this month? We welcomed a son into our hearts and home. Josiah was born October 18th at 2:45pm, and we couldn’t be more thrilled. It’s a good thing he made his debut when he did because I was starting to have a hard time taking photos, having lost the ability to bend over whatsoever.

We spent 9 of this month’s days at Desert Regional delivering, recovering and living in the NICU while our little man hung out for a week to keep an eye on a possible infection. Thankfully, he is home and healthy now and we are incredibly grateful to be enjoying life as a foursome in our own space. More photos of the little guy are coming soon. But now, here are the highlight’s of Adela’s month.

Things that stand out about my sweet girl this month… her best stuffed bud – Baby Lady – who went with us everywhere for weeks… her ever improving capacity to POSE for me… pumpkins! the season is upon us!… the completion of our remodel with addition of gorgeous hardwood flooring!…and of course, meeting and L-O-V-E-ing baby brother.

Life is busy with 2 little ones. But I couldn’t be more in love with my kids. Enjoying maternity leave and all the sleepless nights, endless cuddles, chaos and joy that comes with a new addition. 🙂

  1. – accidentally formatted the memory card before saving the photo. 🙁 –
  2. …photo assistants…
  3. …Baby Lady love…
  4. …the first letter of baby brother’s name is…
  5. …breakfast with Baby Lady…
  6. …glamour shot…
  7. …pumpkin patch 2012…
  8. …Tot School begins…
  9. …testing the newly finished floors…
  10. …the outfit…
  11. …one way to clean the floors…
  12. …sticker thief…
  13. …baker…
  14. …bellies…
  15. …the replacement…
  16. …poser…
  17. …Happy Birthday, Daddy!…
  18. …first looks at little brother…
  19. …long distance…
  20. …first day in the NICU…
  21. … baby’s back…
  22. …Hanson House…
  23. …the sign…
  24. …the walk to the hospital…
  25. …”I do it MYSELF”
  26. …”Cindawella”…
  27. …first day at home…
  28. …siblings…
  29. …the best big sister…
  30. …at home…
  31. …Little Red…

Check out more 365 posts Here.

It’s time! I hope he doesn’t make us wait too much longer. We’re as ready as we’ll ever be to meet this little man.

Given my state, I’m currently on maternity leave (go figure, lol!), but we’re already scheduling sessions for when I’m back on my feet and back behind the lens. Spaces are very limited for sessions in the first 6 months after this little guy joins our family, so if you’re hoping to schedule a DelaLane Photography newborn, child, family, maternity, or engagement session in the near future, Contact Me soon so we can reserve your spot!

And while you’re at it, visit and “like” us on facebook to ensure you get the latest in baby and business news!

  • Lindsey Cuesta - Love your pictures!! I’m about 29 weeks now, if possible interested in a maternity shoot. Due 12/27. Also would like newborn/family pics after baby comes.ReplyCancel

I’ve been photographing this precious girl monthly since she was inside her Momma’s tummy. This is the 11th session I’ve done with her – part of a Year in the Life series we’re doing to commemorate her first year of life – not including the maternity session I did before she was born. I’m not gonna lie. I get attached. I’m starting to feel the sadness that our year is almost up!

She’s such a sweet baby and so very tolerant with all our crazy ideas. We put her in an Easter basket at 3 months, a baby swing at 6 months, a kiddie pool at 8 months, a tutu and pearls at 9 months and this month we put her in an apple crate (which she was fine with) and inside a pumpkin (which she was NOT okay with – see below, lol). We’ve captured her first bites of cereal and her relationships with her older siblings and with her Momma and with her Daddy. We’ve done a little bit of it all. Her first birthday is just around the corner and I’ll be there to capture that too, and then I’ll send her off into the world… a grown woman… lol. Just kidding. But it does feel that way, just a little bit.

Here she is, 10 Months old.

I’ve loved this pumpkin pants idea since seeing it somewhere online last year. Nicole worked so hard to prep it for us and it looked SOOO CUTE! But alas, we found the limits of Felicity’s tolerance. She hated it! For the record, hollowed out pumpkins, no matter how you try to clean and dry them (and this one was super clean inside!), they still feel cold and unnatural. The next time I attempt this, I’ll make sure to cover up the inside with felt or keep the baby fully dressed. Poor girl, hehe. But she’s still as cute as a button, even in her state of teary-eyed revolt. Still a cute little pumpkin, no matter how you dice it. 🙂

We’re currently looking for Year in the Life babies for 2013. If you’re pregnant or have a child between the ages of 0-3 and are interested in a commemorative series of sessions, CONTACT ME soon. I’ll love to chat with you about options for your little one. Spots for these types of sessions are extremely limited.

I’m so glad we were able to squeeze in this 6 Month session for Callan before our own baby boy arrives. We weren’t sure if it would work out, but we planned on it and made it happen. I would have hated to miss it! I get attached to my Year in the Life babies, and I miss them when I don’t get to see them regularly. He’s going to be huge by the next time I see him in 6-8 weeks!

He was all smiles and cuteness this month and we took special attention to capture his hands and feet, fingers and toes (in addition to his adorable little mug) – something his Mom has managed to do at 6 months with each of her kids. She has a framed montage of each kids’ smallest features. This will be the fourth addition. Such a neat idea!

Me with my babies at the Pumpkin Patch earlier this week. Only 5 Days until my due date!

We’ve been visiting Like Oak Canyon Pumpkin Patch every year since we moved here. So Glad we have this little slice of the country (and the autumn holidays) out here in the desert!

If you’re the photographer in your family, let me encourage you again to hand the camera to your family members. Don’t be shy. Tell them what to do! Train them. Be in your family’s photographs. Some day you’ll be glad (and your kids will be glad) you did! My husband and Mom have gotten so great about taking instruction. I will always cherish all the pics I have of myself with my family (even the ones where I’m HUGE at 39 weeks preggo!) Too many moms don’t make appearances in their family photos. Don’t be one of those ladies! And don’t wait until you lose weight or look perfect. Don’t wait for someday. These are your family memories passing you by right now. Record them so that you don’t forget, so that you can continue to treasure them in the future!

Happy October!

Amanda 🙂

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