DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

I cannot believe that today is the last day of 2012! The end of the year finds us plus one child and amazed at our first who has suddenly gone from baby to child. What a difference a year makes! (Check out Adela’s Christmas morning 2011 here.) My heart is so full when I look at these photos. They are the reason I take pictures. They are the loves of my life, my beautiful kiddos.

Happy New Year from us! May 2013 be a year full of family, love, and beautiful moments preserved in precious photos.

  • Deja - Beautiful!!!! :)I love all the warm tones in your pics such a good feeling when looking at them.ReplyCancel

  • tiani hicks - You’re children are so precious! I love reading your blogs and ‘thumbing’ through all your amazing photos. I’m really trying this time to get a photot shot done from you. Hopefully the hubby will be up for it.ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer - I love the golden color of the lights. It brings a softness and a warmth to each photo; just like Christmas should be. You children are adorable.ReplyCancel

  • Rebecca Simmons - Most adorable Christmas pictures! You have beautiful children <3ReplyCancel

  • Erin - Can’t wait to see Adela’s last pic today!ReplyCancel

  • Diana - Beautifully done. Love the use of natural lighting and how you capture the spirit of the child.ReplyCancel

  • Jacklyn - Your daughters eyes are beautiful!ReplyCancel

  • Codi - Beautiful pictures! Beautiful kiddos!ReplyCancel

I am so late posting this. My sweet son is already 9 weeks old. That was 6 weeks ago! Here he is showing off his room at 3 weeks old. We did a sunshine and rain themed room in tribute to my own childhood nickname (“Sunshine”) and hometown (Seattle.) I had no idea how appropriate a room it would be. He truly is my little ray of sunshine – always smiling. He started at 3 weeks and he hasn’t let a day go by since without shining his sweet little light into my heart. I’m totally smitten.

Another month has flown by, our first entire month as a family of four. Adela is the best big sister I could have imagined – such a little “Mommy” herself, always caring, concerning, loving toward her little brother. She burps him, gets his diapers when I need to change him and constantly tries to replace his binky. We’re settling into a new routine, getting situated at home, preparing for Christmas. And we are loving every minute! 🙂

  1. …”SuperDela”…
  2. …”me burp him”…
  3. …CinderDela…
  4. …bath stickies…
  6. …cry laughing…
  7. …big girl toes, little boy toes…
  8. …”so cute”…
  9. …fishing…
  10. …Tom’s Farm…
  11. …dancing with Sammy sock…
  12. …brother’s bath time…
  13. …princesses…
  14. …rocks…
  15. …gorgeous…
  16. …Mimi…
  17. …missed…
  18. …expert holder…
  19. …releasing the beast…
  20. …prepping for Thanksgiving…
  21. …my everything…
  22. …bath time at Mimi’s…
  23. …shopper trooper…
  24. …late…
  25. …dual smiles…
  26. …sassy pants…
  27. …Christmas pics…
  28. …sweetshop proceeds…
  29. …cupcake tree…
  30. …baby, it’s cold outside!…

Check out more 365 posts Here.

I have been so behind in blogging! Having a baby will do that to ya. 🙂 But we’re thrilled to finally show off some of our favorite newborn photos of our little man, even if it is a few weeks late.

Our second child, Josiah John,  was born October 18th at 2:45pm, weighing 7lbs 2oz and measuring 19.5 inches. He is so sweet, mellow and of course beyond adorable. We are in love!

  • Deja - Love all your pictures so precious!ReplyCancel

  • kandis - He is so cute!!ReplyCancel

  • Erin - He is lucky to have such a talented mama!ReplyCancel

  • Nicole Danielson - Josiah is beautiful! Congrats!ReplyCancel

  • Rebecca Simmons - So precious! Gorgeous pics!ReplyCancel

  • Codi - Ridiculously cute. Love all of them but the one with his eyes open…adorable. Beautiful little boy.ReplyCancel

  • Jennifer - I love his little button nose!ReplyCancel

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