DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

Meet my newest “Year in the Life” babies for 2013, and DelaLane Photography’s first newborn twins! Definitely a fun and exciting proposition for me. I’m thrilled to be a part of their lives this year and photograph them on a regular basis.

Brennan and Bree were born on 12/12/12. Nobody is every going to forget their birthday! They had a brief stint in the NICU and both made it home for Christmas – Brennan on Christmas Eve, and his sister on Christmas day. Talk about an awesome Christmas present! Little Bree was only 5lbs 10oz at birth, perfect, petite perfection. And boy was she a wiggler. She hated being swaddled in any way and is super strong for being so little. My first impression of Brennan on the other hand is that he is a mellow little guy, so relaxed. Whenever his arms were free, they’d end up straight above his head. So cute! And he pretty much ignored his wiggly sister whenever I tried to pose them together. I kept thinking she was going to wake him with all her activity, but he would just readjust himself and pay her no mind. We’ll see if his tolerance lasts as they get older!

It’s always fun to see if the personalities of brand new babies translate into their older selves. I think with my kids, so far, their newborn personalities have been a pretty accurate indicator of their older selves. But then my daughter is only 3 and my son is only 3.5 months, so they have time to prove me wrong. 🙂

Looking forward to watching these two grow up this year and seeing what kind of little people they become!

Brennan and Bree are signed up for a “Year in the Life” package with DelaLane Photography. We’re going to commemorate their first year in a series of sessions as they grow over the course of 2013. So look out for more of this sweetness is coming months.

Do you have your own little one on the way? Check out more DelaLane Photography “Year in the Life” series Here. Contact us for availability and details on signing up your own little one. Spots are limited!

  • Rebecca Simmons - Beautiful!!ReplyCancel

  • Teija - Love these, especially the owl one!ReplyCancel

  • Jacklyn - Beyond Adorable!!!ReplyCancel

  • tiani hicks - OMG! completly adorable! I love the colors you chose.ReplyCancel

  • jenny sherwood - beauitfulReplyCancel

  • Karine - They’re absolutely precious! Love every single one of these shots.ReplyCancel

I’m sitting here giggling putting together Felicity’s 11 Month post. I try to frequently share “behind the scenes” type photos lest anyone think that it’s always easy taking pictures of little ones. It’s not. BUT it’s also the most rewarding type of photography to me because it IS the most difficult, the most unpredictable, because it takes the most patience. Invest much and be rewarded with much.

This gorgeous, sweet little girl who I’ve grown to love so much and who has gifted me with so many beautiful photos was NOT into her pre-birthday cake smash (and did NOT want to wear that adorable hat.) This is just a little glimpse of the last 45 minutes of our session.

I am SO BLESSED with the moms of my “Year in the Life” babies (the ones I photograph in multiple sessions over time to commemorate their first year). So much of getting great photos of babies is dependent on the patience of the moms. Felicity’s mom (and baby Cal’s mom too) are my silent partners in every session, helping me get the shots we both want to get. They help make it all possible and they laugh along with me when it doesn’t go exactly as planned. Somehow we always manage to pull it off regardless. She’s adorable when she’s crying too. 🙂

(One funny detail. Notice the gold fish crackers in her mouth in the last two photos? That was our last attempt to get her to eat the cake. She wanted crackers not cake, so I stuck goldfish crackers in the frosting on the back of the cake, hoping she’d go for it. No dice! LOL)

The bubble bath portion of the session she enjoyed much more.

Only one session left for this little girl in her first year series. It’s already happened, and it’s adorable. Stay tuned for highlights from her “up, up, and away!” session coming up soon.

  • Deja - I love this project! I have earned bucks mainly through sharing pictures. As it gets closer to my due date I feel the excitement building! Can’t wait!ReplyCancel

  • kandis - These photos are SO cute! She’s a doll! I love the one where her feet are up on the edge of the tub and she is just kick’n back with her rubber duckie in her mouth!ReplyCancel

  • Erin - Happy birthday Felicity!ReplyCancel

  • Rebecca Simmons - AMAZING!!! She is so cute!ReplyCancel

  • Kristen Harris - Incredible. You are such a talented photographer. Wish you were closer. When are you visiting next? 🙂ReplyCancel

  • Teija - Your pictures make me want to have a baby soon just so you can photograph them! If we end up having a baby out here, I’m coming to you. So sweet!ReplyCancel

  • Jacklyn - So CuteReplyCancel

  • Codi - Bath tub pics…yes, please. I so need some of Chlo. Love the little foot one. Seriously cute.ReplyCancel

Sweet baby Cal is 7 months old and this was my eighth session with him, ninth if you count when the baby was still a belly. (Check out his maternity session here.) He’s turned into such a sweet little boy. I love his grins. They come pretty easy. The big open mouth smiles usually take a little more coaxing. But the grins? He gives those freely. It’s like he humors me even when I’m not as funny as I should be. It’s like he doesn’t want to hurt my feelings, lol. I’m reading into things just a bit, I know. But that’s what it seems like. And I love that about him.

It is football season, in case your Facebook newsfeed hadn’t informed you! People like me need the reminder. I’m a hockey girl myself, but I don’t mind showing a little Steeler love. I lived in Pittsburgh for almost a year of my life. I cherish the memories I made and the people I met there. He sure makes a cute little fan!

It was freezing outside during this session. Our brave little man toughed it out and even fell asleep mid-session, cuddled up with Mom. We almost called it a night, but Jenn wanted to see if we could convince him that his first ride in the swing might be fun. He was asleep when we put him in, and smiling when we took him out. Amazing! I’m so blessed with my Year in the Life babies’ Moms. Jenn is so patient and so good with him. She tends to make the impossible, possible.

Catching up on blogging today. Cal’s 8th month session is coming up. And his 9th month session is happening in just a few days. Stay tuned for previews on DelaLane Photography on Facebook.

With this month, my 365 project is concluded.

I made it through all of this year missing only 3 days. Two of those days I took a photo and lost it (the first day I had a memory card go bad and the second day I lost a photo when I accidentally formatted a card before uploading it.) The third day I missed was one of the days we were in the NICU with our son. Not bad. I’m proud of myself for sticking with it all year long, so grateful for all the precious moments of my daughter’s life I’ve captured, and so totally stoked to put them all in a photo book for us to enjoy for years to come.

Looking back through the year in photos is truly wonderful for me as a mother. My little girl has gone from a completely unpredictable baby to a little girl who loves helping me create beautiful images. She has gone from a handful of words to full sentences. She has changed from baby to child. Every single moment I’ve preserved in photos this year is a moment I can’t get back, but also – thanks to this project – also a memory I can now relive whenever I want for the rest of my life. What an intense, fun, sometimes exhausting, worthwhile experience. I’m so glad we did it!

I could not have done it without the help of my darling girl who put up with me snapping countless photos at all hours in all moods in all places. She is truly an angel, a beautiful, vibrant, challenging, sweet, independent, empathetic, intuitive, sassy little angel. My firstborn, my favorite girl. I can’t wait to see how she grows up in this new year!

I do plan on doing another 365 for Josiah, the year he’s 2. Why 2? Because 2 is such a special age – right in between babyhood and childhood. They are unpredictable, unscripted, sometimes unmanageable, and so, so cute. So until 2015, I’m still going to take a ton of photos of my kids, just maybe not every day.

May God bless your own family in 2013! May it be a year full of beautiful memories made and preserved in beautiful photos. 🙂

  1. …choosing a birthday cupcake…
  2. …birthday surprise…
  3. …Happy 3rd Birthday!…
  4. …little Mommy…
  5. …Puppet…
  6. …Christmas lights!…
  7. …princess mania…
  8. …the compromise…
  9. …LEGOS!!!…
  10. …family movie night…
  11. …craft time…
  12. …book tent…
  13. …toddler smooches…
  14. …Oak Glen snow day…
  15. …my favorite photo of the year. Maybe…
  16. …Christmas carousel…
  17. …”Tia Kissy”…
  18. …cookie face…
  19. … the grapfruit tree at Great Grandma’s…
  20. …food drive…
  21. …Candy Cane Lane 2012…
  22. …beautiful…
  23. …Mimi’s bed…
  24. …Christmas Eve…
  25. …Christmas day…
  26. …Christmas jammies…
  27. …last minute cuddles…
  28. …helping Daddy with the dishes…
  29. …first French braids…
  30. …Seeping Booty…
  31. ….Happy New Year!…

Follow this link to check out more 365 photos from 2012. 🙂

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