DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

**We’re opening up 2 NEWBORN spots in August.**

And we’re temporarily discounting for those willing to travel to our in-home studio. Some restrictions apply. Discounted packages start at $299 with digital collection and one professional-quality wall print up to 20×30 INCLUDED. If you’re due in August and interested in a DelaLane Photography Newborn portrait session, message me for details now. Our schedule is already full, but I really want to squeeze in a couple brand new babes if we can work it out. These will be the last summer sessions we schedule! Don’t wait!

And if you’re due in September or later, we’ve started a waiting list for those who would like to be notified when fall dates and opportunities become available. Please message us with your email address, and we’ll let you know when we start booking fall sessions for newborns due after September 1st.

See high resolution images from newborn portrait session on the DLP website here.

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Jaxson has grown up quite a bit since his I was with him for his newborn session, a whole year’s worth in fact! He now a big one year old and I got to document a few of the big moments of his first birthday celebration and take a couple of snapshots of him with some of the most important people in his life, including both sets of grandparents who happen to live in the same town as he does. What a blessing!

The only down side of this memorable day? The poor guy didn’t feel well. What is it with one-year-olds getting sick for their first birthdays? There has to be some kind of science behind it because it seems to happen so very often! But the little man of the day still managed to participate in all the expected ways and, I think, had a good time for the most part despite his sniffles.

Before the start of the party, we headed outdoors for just a few minutes to attempt some quick family portraits and then headed back inside in time for the guests to arrive. I love this kind of photojournalistic lifestyle photography where I get to be a bystander and document what’s happening. It’s the kind of photography that MADE me a photographer and it’s what I do most often when I take pictures for myself of my own family. Because memories of real life events are special, whether it’s first birthdays or everyday activities with the kids. I love a great family portrait for the wall, but all these snapshots that preserve what really goes on? Those are every bit as important to me personally and really fun for me to capture for others. Here’s just a taste of what happened at the party, photos that tell a little bit of the story of Jaxson’s 1st birthday.

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They say the second child is notoriously less photographed than the first. So far, it’s true. 🙁 But I’m trying really hard to change that. Life is busy with one kid, busier with two kids and a business. But he is every bit as sweet, every bit as precious, every bit as photogenic as his older sister and I LOVE HIM every single bit as much as her.

So I’m resolving (yes, AGAIN, it’s a constant process of re-resolving!) to take more photos. When I walked in to get him up last week, he just looked so incredibly sweet all wrapped up in his blankies. And I made myself stop. And look. And then I made myself go upstairs and get my camera before the moment was lost and I ran onto the other 50 million things on my to-do list.

My son. My sunshine. 6.5 months old. <3

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Dana is one incredible lady, mom of 7 including 3 that are under the age of 2! And she always looks gorgeous and never seems flustered. I think she could give the rest of us a few lessons. What I appreciate seeing more than anything in the several sessions we’ve done together so far is how she is able to focus all her attention on the moment, on being with her babies, really embracing that without distraction. She’s just so calm, cool and collected. It’s soothing to be around. I don’t think a set of twins could have been born to a more prepared and qualified lady.

Two months is never the easiest age to photograph, but these babies are mellow just like their Momma, and they made it easy on us. They each even gave me some smiles.

I ended up bringing along a new prop of mine, an antique doll bed that belonged to my Dad’s sisters when they were little. We spent the last few minutes of our session right as the sun was going down getting a couple of prop shots of the babies in the bed just because they were so good and we’d gotten the other shots we were after. So sweet! We didn’t have much time to play with it (and look for this little bed to be making an appearance in upcoming newborn sessions I’m sure!), but fortunately these sweet babes let us get one of each of them in the few minutes we had.

We’re commemorating Brennan & Bree’s first year in a series of bi-monthly sessions, so you can look forward to seeing how much they’ve changed every other month for the rest of 2013! Check out their newborn session here, and look out for their 4 month session which we’ve already completed on the blog soon!

{Opportunities for 2013-2014 “Year in the Life” sessions to commemorate baby’s first year are now available for parents expecting babies in August or later. Contact us for details. We’d love to chat with you about how we can preserve your little one’s first year in photos!}

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The firetruck is a piece of history I had the awesome opportunity of borrowing from Tamma’s Magic Mercantile, an awesome antique store in town I’ve been frequenting since we first moved here (they don’t have a website or a facebook page, but I still have to give Tamma a shout out and tell you to go visit and buy something!)  And Callan, typical boy, was into it from the moment he saw it. Having now completed 13 sessions with this little guy, I can say that this was HIS obvious favorite session. During his tearful cake smash at his twelve month session a couple of weeks ago (yes, it’s been that long!), I was chatting with his mom about what a truly amazing baby he’s been over the past year, consistently good-natured. Some sessions have been cheerier than others, but he’s never given us a hard time… until the cakes smash (HA! Look for that post coming up at some point in the future), and that was really only a few minutes out of an otherwise great session. So it says a lot when I say that this was his favorite.  He really enjoyed himself acting the fireman! I love creating shooting environments for my little ones that allow them to interact and HAVE FUN! If there’s one thing that’s always true about little ones, they don’t smile on command. You have to give them a reason. And it’s so rewarding (for me and for the parents who help me plan!) to earn those smiles.

{This session is a part of a “Year in the Life” of Callan package, a series of sessions designed to commemorate his first year. You can check out more of his sessions and other baby’s sessions by following this link. If you’re expecting and interested in a commemorative series of your baby’s first year, please contact us for more details.}

What a hunk.  <3

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