DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

Love this age. Love, love, love. Between 6 months and a year is so fun. My son is the same age as sweet little Olivia (a couple months has passed since this session so they’re now both 8 months old), and I am once again looking for a way to push the “pause” button. At this age, babies are full of their own little personalities. Their individuality really begins to shine. They are affectionate, they are adorable, they are learning all kinds of new and endearing skills, they are curious and wide-eyed over every new object within baby reach, and they are generally sleeping through the night. (Yay!) They can’t run away from you, but they can sit up. And the smiles are free-flowing. This is a GREAT age. With both my kids, it has been one of my favorites (although the older they get the more new favorite ages I have! Every age is special for its own reasons.)

But this age? I LOVE. See for yourself. Don’t you just want to squeeze her?

Happy 6 Months Olivia! I had fun with you and your awesome parents in Palm Springs. And hey, you can’t even tell we were in the middle of a sandstorm for most of our session. πŸ˜‰

Olivia is one of DelaLane Photography’s “Year in the Life” babies. We’re commemorating her life in a series of sessions to chronicle all the ways she grows and changes her first year. Check out her 3 month session HERE and look for her 9 month session on the blog soon. If you’re expecting and interested in a Year in the Life series for your own little one, we’d love to chat with you. Contact Us for more info.

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I wasn’t able to squeeze a whole lot of Senior Portraits this year. Class of 2014, don’t wait to book your Senior Portrait Session! I know how it is when you’re busy and 17. (Yes, it was a while ago. But I’m not *that* old!) Trust me, the time goes faster than you think. If you wait until spring next year to make plans for your senior pictures, you might be low on options. If you’re interested in working with me, it’s a good idea not to wait too long after the first of the year to contact me and see what we can work out.

And if you have a special idea for your session, chat with me about it. I might be able to help you make it happen. This throwback ’50-inspired theme was super fun! And this glamorous graduate rocked it.

This girl is special to my family; she’s the reason I get anything done on Wednesdays. She watches my kiddos for me so that I can get in some uninterrupted editing time. And by “watches my kiddos”, I mean she wears them out with fun activities so that, by the time she leaves, they are falling into bed with happy exhaustion. She’s an awesome babysitter and an awesome girl. Add to that, awesome GRADUATE.

Congrats, Tasha!

And a special thanks to Tamura at Home for letting us shoot in your beautiful shop!!

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If you follow my work you’ve probably started to feel like you know this family a little bit. Nicole tells me how she’s sometimes recognized around town as “Felicity’s mom”. πŸ™‚ I’ve taken a lot of pictures of this family. I’ve been photographing a “Year in the Life” of this family for a year and a half now. We commemorated Felicity’s first year with monthly sessions, and now we’re doing the same for baby brother Colton.

They’ve become a regular part of my life. I’m going to miss them when they move away! Oh man, I can’t even think about it yet. Luckily we have a couple of sessions left before I have to emotionally deal with losing my friend to another far away state. Love her. πŸ™ Β And luckily I have lots and lots of photos to remember them by!

I had the awesome opportunity of doing both a Newborn Portrait sessionΒ for Colton (check it out here) and this Family Lifestyle session with the whole gang during Colton’s first month.Β  Sessions like this one are a great way to go if you would prefer a more documentary feel to your newborn session and would like to have the whole family involved. Lifestyle sessions focus on commemorating your life and relationships with your newest little one in the comfort of your own home in a relaxed and fun way. It’s a no pressure way to preserve your real life at a time that is both precious and so fleeting, a time when it’s hard to find the time and energy to get your camera out and take those photos you know you should take… and know you will cherish forever. Because every time you blink they grow up a little bit more.

One of my favorite things to do is recreate photos with the same family over time, taking the “same” photo during a newborn session and a first year session, or in this case taking the same photos of a fourth child as we did with the third. We recreating several moments from Felicity’s 1 month session during Colton’s 1 month session and it’s really fun to what has changed over time.

One of my very favorite photos of Felicity was taken in this exact spot during HER 1 month Lifestyle session, an impromptu shot of her yawning. Find it here.

Here’s what she was doing when we were photographing mom and little brother in the above series, the behind the scenes look at what was really happening below Nicole’s waist. Hehe. My first “Year in the Life” baby all grown up… and a little upset, for just a moment, that she wasn’t the center of attention. This will go down as another of my favorite photos (and there are a lot!) of Felicity. πŸ™‚

If you’re expecting a baby and interested in some of the special offers and packages we’ve designed for you, we’d love to chat with you about options. Please Contact Us Β for more info.

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Josiah is sitting up. He’s at one of the best ages, that age where he can sit on his own but he can’t run away from me yet. And sitting up means more options when it comes to bath time. Since we remodeled our kitchen last summer, I’ve been waiting for this moment, the moment when I could put both my kids in the kitchen sink. πŸ™‚ It was worth the wait. They had so much fun! And they’ve been having so much fun since. The majority of bath times look like this now. I know the time is fleeting. Pretty soon they’ll be too big. So as long as Adela keeps asking for sink baths, I’m gonna be obliging.

I had a client contact me and ask if I could do a similar session with her kids. Of Course! We can do it at my house or your house. We can do it in the bathroom or we can do it in the kitchen. This is the kind of memory-preserving, storytelling photography that inspired DelaLane Photography in the first place. It is and will always be my first love. Photographing kids being themselves, doing something ordinary, preserving a part of their history, capturing their personalities along with what they look like, especially in the every day moments of life. That’s what I do for my family. I’d love to do it for yours too.

If you like the idea of a sink bath or have another idea how we can capture your everyday life in photographs, message me and chat with me about it. I bet we can find a way to make it work. What do you want to remember about your children right now? Photographs can help. A professional photographer with a love for little ones and storytelling can help!

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Jenn does something right with those kiddos of hers. This is only two of the four of them, but I’m telling you, I’ve rarely met kids with readier smiles. All three of her girls are gorgeous. And when you smile, they smile. It’s awesome. And then Callan, he *grins.* πŸ™‚ That grin is going to go down in history. I love this boy. And he sure makes a cute cowboy. His littlest big sis tagged along for this session so we threw her in a few shots as well. The camera loves her.

Happy 11 Months big boy!

DelaLane Photography is now recruiting babies due in August 2013 or later for “Year in the Life” sessions, a series of sessions designed to commemorate Baby’s First Year from a Newborn Portrait session to a First Birthday session, and a little bit of everything in between. Check out more of A Year in the Life of Callan (as well as other Year in the Life sessions with other babies) HERE. And Contact Us for more details if you’re expecting and interested in a Year in the Life commemorative series for your little one.

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