DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

Since I just pulled the dead-from-cold potted plants off the balcony, I figured it must be time to post a few photos from the planting and caring for of Adela’s first garden before winter is here in full effect. I’m a little sad that we didn’t do this until August. The plants didn’t have enough time to get all the way to the flowering and fruiting stage, but it was a great learning experience for Adela.  She got a kick out of the whole process. We checked out a ton of books from the library about plants and sunshine and seeds and how things grow, and thanks to the library’s new policy, we renewed them 6 or 7 times and read each one about a billion and one times. Isn’t one of the most fun things about having kids is that we get to teach them things? Very cool. And she was so responsible (at 3 and 3/4 to remind me that she needed to water her plants every day.) We’ll definitely be doing this again in the spring!

Every time I look at my personal photos, I get a pang of regret that I’m not 365ing right now. I think I feel a year long project coming on… Yep, pretty sure I do. But what? Comment with your ideas! I’m looking for inspiration. 🙂

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The first time I got to hang out with Hannah a couple of years ago she was a little Girl Scout Brownie at a bridging ceremony. So you can imagine how this blew my mind. She has grown up since then, a young lady of many talents. She came along for her twin brother and sister’s 6 month session and we spent a very enjoyable 20 minutes or so capturing a couple of her skills, as a ballerina and as a twirler. She is very, very good. And for the record. She was 10 year old when these were taken. Um, hello! How can you fit this much talent into 10 years? Awesome, Hannah. Thanks for sharing your beauty with us!

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‘Tis the busy season. I have a dozen sessions to edit and a full shooting schedule ahead, but I prepped a couple dozen blog posts last month but I’ve only gotten around to adding words to and posting a few of them. So, let me take a moment to share a few of those cute little twins… from 4 months ago… because I just did their 10 month session last night. It’s fun to go back and see how much they’ve changed. Look for a sneak peek from their 10 month session on the DelaLane Photography facebook page soon. But first, check them out at 6 months old.

The twins are participating in one of DelaLane Photography’s first year photo plans, a “Year in the Life” of Brennan & Bree. I photographed them as newborns and every 2 months since. In December they’ll be turning one and we’ll be celebrating with a special first birthday cake smash session. If you’re expecting your own little one in 2014 and are interested in a Year in the Life plan, contact us for more details.

We also had the pleasure of photographing their big sister, a talented ballerina, during this same session. That blog post up next…

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We were warned. The first child will have a dozen albums, the second might have one, the rest… well, there are some photos of them somewhere. Haha. Maybe not completely accurate. But in my own life, I’ve found just a little bit of truth in it. I definitely have more photographs of Adela as a baby than I do of Josiah, our second born. And there’s a tendency to take a lot of photos of babies, and less as they get older. But I do make a conscious effort to keep the scales balanced, and to not let the passion for photo-taking fizzle. Because I know some day I’m going to want to look back and remember ALL the stages of ALL my kids’ lives.

So families like this one inspire me. They scheduled this session not because they were having a baby, but because their oldest baby is now a man and headed out to make his own way in the world. They wanted to freeze this moment in time, their family, in their home, surrounded by their things and the people (including the canine variety) who are most important to them before the big change and all the exciting things that come next. I know they will never regret than they took the time to do it.

I’m headed out the door to a newborn session right now. And so I go back to the beginning. I love how this job allows me to witness and preserve both the beginning and the end of childhood. Two monumental moments in a family’s history, equally special and totally different.

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Teija & Trevor had a picnic the last time I photographed them, sort of. They had just recently moved to an apartment on base in 29 Palms and they hadn’t yet acquired a dining room table. So they made spaghetti for dinner and ate it by candlelight on the dining room floor – a date night at home with me there to capture them being themselves in their own space, celebrating their newlywed status and preserving a part of their married history. (Check out that session here. It was one of my favorites of all last year!) This time we wanted to keep the picnic theme, but changed it up a little bit by taking it outside and serving up a different style of romance. Both sessions were a delight to shoot. Such a cute, sweet couple. And, Trevor, you’re such a good sport putting up with all our crazy ideas! 😉

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