DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

This is kinda timely. I caught up to Colton’s Christmas in July session – shot in July, yikes! – just in time for real Christmas. πŸ™‚

Have I told you how much I miss this family? The answer is yes, yes I have. But I’m going to say it again. Nicole worked with me monthly for a year and a half. I photographed her two youngest children and her family over 20 times. She let me practice and experiment and learn and grow. She was always up for anything including Christmas lights in the middle of summer.

I’m going to post this, and then I’m going to go write her a note.

And maybe next year I’ll find the time to offer some holiday minis. It would be fun to do a twinkle drop studio mini series. It would also be fun to meet up at a Christmas Tree farm…

Please Contact Us if you’re expecting and would like more information about our Baby’s First Year plans.

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We’re about to start booking 2014 sessions! Woohoo!

So here’s a little news about 2014. We are continuing to focus on the types of photography that we are most passionate about — Families and Newborns/Babies — and we’re continuing to offer two different but similar types of family sessions. {Family Lifestyle} sessions are our regular family sessions that focus on personalities and relationships, on capturing the things that make you special as individuals and as a family unit, rather than just “say cheese” moments. In addition to our regular Family Lifestyle sessions we are going to be highlighting our {Day in the Life} sessions, a special kind of family session that takes place in your home and focuses on capturing your “Real Life” …except with a creative eye and pro equipment. Think of {Day in the Life} sessions as a family time-capsule filled with photo memories that will preserve tidbits of your current “everyday” life so that some day, when you’re older and the kids are older, you can go back and savor what it used to be like.

Because without some help, sadly, we forget. The details we cherish now, the moments that time keeps grabbing from our fingers, or maybe even some aspects of our lives that we inadvertently take for granted, the specifics of our family life in the here and now… We want to capture that. Preserve that. Commemorate the present time in your family’s history with a treasure of photos, a visual history, that will last through the years.

I’m passionate about this kind of photography. Can you tell? It’s what I do for my own family. I take pictures of everything. If my kids are doing something cute, I try to be deliberate about taking a picture of it because, before I know it, they will have outgrown that particular precious quirk and will be on to something else. I try to be aware. Because I don’t want to have regrets. I want to spend as much time with my family and my children and make as many memories with them as possible. And I want to be able to remember as much of the time and as many of the memories we make together as possible. Photos accomplish that. They remember for me.

What makes you YOU? What are the everyday activities that your family enjoys together? What new things are your kids learning/doing? What makes you laugh? What do you love? Do you enjoy seeing your kids splashing in the bath? Having a dance party? Showing off their newly learned keyboarding skills? Playing outside? Do you like to make smoothies as a family? Do you read together as a family? Ride your bikes together around the neighborhood?

This is one family’s story, and it’s sweet. And they will never regret that they took the time to preserve the details of their everyday life in 2013. Your story is different. Let’s tell it.

Go here to request more info about {Day in the Life} sessions.

(Day in the Life sessions are for couples and families of all ages and sizes. Check out {A Day in the Life} of Teija & Trevor, a couple I photographed last year cooking dinner together and having a pasta picnic on the floor of their apartment in the place where the dining room table should have been.)

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  • Alicia - What an awesome session! Great shots!!ReplyCancel

What little guy am I missing right now? This guy. But the good news is there is one more post after this one, his 5 month session, so we’re not quite done with him yet! Even though he has since moved across the country from me with his family. :…(

Here he is, 4 months old.Β  And go back and check out his Newborn Portrait session, and his 1 Month Newborn Lifestyle session at home with his family to see how much he’s changed since he was brand new.

Missing you guys… <3

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I met Beth several years ago and have never questioned that she is a woman in love. Completely obvious. And that’s a good thing. It’s always uplifting to be around couple who love doing things together, love laughing together, are affectionate with each other, and believe in taking lots and lots of pictures of themselves doing all of those things. Meet the lovely lovebirds, Beth and Steve.

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When happens when you get two good friends who are also photographers together, and you only do it once a year? Well, a lot of pictures happen. You might remember the Holi Powder session I posted a while back, a colorful, fun and MESSY activity I photographed for this same family. But one session wasn’t enough, so we also took all of these. And on another day, Mandy (of Amanda Kay Photography) photographed me and my family (check out her blog post of our family session here.) Photo-palooza. Happy to say that many of the pictures she took are already printed and displayed on my walls, and last I heard she had a couple photo walls in the works too. Yay! Love it.

The location Mandy picked was perfect. So beautiful. I am so envious off all the beautiful spots available in the Northwest. It’s where I grew up and it will always be home. I’ve been all over the country (44 states of it), and it’s still the prettiest place I’ve ever been. But every time I start complaining about our lack of trees and greenery here in the desert, all I need to do is have a quick chat with Mandy and be reminded that days like this one are few and far between. It may not actually *rain* as much in Seattle as Hollywood makes out, but it is gray almost all the time, and it does drizzle/rain A LOT. I remember recently reading on the Amanda Kay Photography facebook page that they finally managed to complete a session for one family that had been rescheduled FIVE TIMES due to weather. Yikes! I’m not going to play chicken over who has the more difficult situation. We may not have lots of shade and trees around here, but I think I’ve only rescheduled due to weather ONCE in over 3 years! So I won’t complain.

Lucky for us, both of our sessions in Washington happened to take place on gorgeous, sunny, July days and we were able to make the most of it with cameras out. Couldn’t have asked for better subjects, a prettier location, better weather, or more cooperative kids. Meet Mandy and her beautiful family.

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