DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

Hallie was cashing in a gift certificate gifted to her and her Momma for Christmas by her grandparents. Her Dad was deployed when we took these and the primary objective was to send him some cute pictures of his little girl to keep him company until his return. This little angel girl didn’t have to work too hard to be cute. I’d say it comes naturally. My favorite part of this session was all the little “o’s” she gave us all throughout the session. She was puckered up at least half of the time. πŸ™‚


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I prefer to photograph kids, all kids, but especially big groups of kids, involved in some fun activity rather than saying cheese at the camera. In my experience we end up with better photos that way. But these kids areΒ  always pretty easy on me. I think it’s the fourth family session we’ve done together. They let us get some good say cheese portraits right off. This first shot is NOT a composite. That’s miraculous in the world of lifestyle photography. The kids’ reward for being so well-behaved was getting to do whatever they wanted in the playground. Here’s a few photos from both halves of our session.


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I’ll be photographing this cutie’s first birthday party here before ya know it. This session happened right around his sixth month, a great milestone age to photograph. He was juuuuuust learning to sit up, standing up with assistance, grinning incessantly. I saw him once since then for an at-home Christmas shoot complete with Santa outfit. Look for that blog coming up soon. I can’t wait to see him again and watch him eat cake. πŸ˜‰


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What a fun session this was. Miss Ella is officially the most grown up not-even-two-year-old I’ve ever met. She’s a vibrant little rainbow, this one. And a chatterbox too. Speaking in full sentences, following instructions, being in general adorable and incredibly entertaining. We met up in the Joshua Tree National Park and took some photos to preserve this time in their lives before they welcomed baby Mason — who a couple of months later I got to meet and photograph as well — into their family. Another great session with another great family.


Look for baby Mason’s blog post coming up soon!

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It’s been 6 months since this session. They moved away shortly after, and I’ve missed them since. But the great news is that they’re coming back for a visit. I’m so looking forward to seeing Nicole, a client who became a friend and who has worked on more sessions with me that anyone else. We photographed Felicity every month of her first year and Colton every month of his first year, minus the months he’s been away. But the good news? We get to make up for the last 6 months and celebrate Colton’s first birthday with a First Birthday session. YAY! Can’t wait to squeeze that baby boy and hug my friend and catch up on life.

Even though this day was a littler windier than we would have liked, the breeze was warm, the day was beautiful, the kids had fun, and we were able to capture a little bit of their “time in the desert” before they moved away and started the next chapter of their lives.

Thanks for the photo of the me and Nicole, Scott! I treasure it. πŸ™‚

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