DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

I feel like this was a session where I went home wondering how many good images we got, but was pleasantly surprised. Twin brother Brennan as a little sleepy and a little shy, and so understandably he was a little hesitant to play with me and give me many smiles. But we won him over. We earned smiles in the end. And, in all honestly, my favorite images from this session and the more serious ones that capture how comfortable he feels in his Mom and Dad’s arms. Incredibly sweet.

They brought along their older, but not much older, brother this time and we were able to get a few of him playing along with them. Don’t they all have the most incredibly stunning blue eyes?

Brennan and Bree have been in front of my camera 6 times from newborns to one-year-olds. Check out their sessions and other {Year in the Life} babies and their sessions here. I’ve since then shot their first birthday cake smash session as well. Look for that coming up on the blog soon.


Are you expecting? Contact Us to out how you can preserve your baby’s First Year with a {Year in the Life} plan.

This sweet girl was a highlight of my year. We photographed her first year in a series of sessions, as part of a {Year in the Life} plan. We missed her newborn session (due to me having my son at almost exactly the same time as her own debut), but we captured 3 Months, 6 Months, 9 Months, and now her first birthday.

Big news, Olivia is going to be a big sister… to a little brother! And we’re going to photographing his first year as well. I can’t wait to see her in that sibling role and meet the new little man in a couple of months.

Happy Birthday, Olivia (a lot late)!


We offer a variety of maternity, newborn, baby and first birthday sessions/plans. If you’re expecting and interested in {Year in the Life} or other baby plan/session, please Contact Us for more info.

We waited a long time for this session. Kennedy’s Daddy was deployed during a good part of Jackie’s pregnancy and for the first several months of Kennedy’s life. But he returned just in time to celebrate her 6-month mark. It was truly great to see the family reunited. Welcome Home, James. Thanks for your service to our country!


This session is part of a series, a {Year in the Life} of Kennedy. Check out these additional posts to see Miss Kennedy as a newborn and as a 3-month-old. If you’re expecting and interested in a {Year in the Life} photo plan to preserve your baby’s first year, please Contact Us for more info.

Our first (hopefully) annual Fall Mini Sessions were such a good time! We had such fun families and sweet babies meet us up in the mountains. The day flew by! Here are just a few highlights from our day in Oak Glen and our series of quick 20 minute sessions.


Stay informed about possible 2014 Fall Mini Sessions by liking us on Facebook and following us on Google+ (Google+ account creation required to follow, but it’s a quick and painless process.) Tip: We’re currently building our fan base on Google+ and there’s a good chance that special offers and announcements will be happening on our Google page even before they happen on Facebook. So keep an eye out on the Google+ page, and be the first to know!


This was definitely something on the session bucket list that I can happily put a check by… an off-road session. An adventure and a session all in one. So fun. I hopped in with these two and we took it up in the mountains. Off-roading in the Bronco is a huge part of who these two are, their recreation, a big part of their fun and relationship. It made me want to buy a Bronco. At the very least, we’ll be taking the truck on some of the back roads they introduced me to.

Nature, the Bronco, Oreos & milk, the Bible, the guitar, each other. More like a date than a session. Just how I like it. All about Jerm and Larissa and what makes them, them.


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