DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

This is my first session with a super nice couple with whom I’ve already gotten to see several times since. Baby Reece, the bump in Meagan’s perfect belly, has since arrived and I photographed her first breath in the hospital the day she was born, her first portraits during her newborn session and her 3 month session just a couple of weeks ago. (Yes, I am perpetually behind with blogging.) But I’m so excited to get to chronicle this baby girl’s first year in photos as part of a {Year in the Life} plan. And we’re already excitedly planning her 6 month session!

This type of maternity session is a personal favorite. I love capturing space along with people. There is nothing more personal to a family than their own home, their own things. And this is Reece’s first home. She’ll never have to wonder (when she’s older and interested in such things) where she spent the first portion of her baby years.  No matter what changes, she’ll have the photos to give her a sense of where she began. I think that’s beautiful.

2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-4-bw-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-11-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-17-bw-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-30-wEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-41-bw-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-93-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-103-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-96-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-108-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-118-wEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-141-bw-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-156-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-158-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-165-vintage-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-170-vintage-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-190-bw-wEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-197-WEBChris, Reece’s Daddy is writing to her in a journal he keeps for her. I ADORE stuff like this. Not only will Reece have a photo treasury (thanks to her mom who adores photos I think as much as I do!), but she’ll also have words written to her from her Father, letters that began even before their first meeting.

2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-215-WEB2013-November---Meagan-Maternity-255-WEBThis last photo was a special request by her Mom. I didn’t realize until after the fact that since baby Reece was actually in breech when this photo was taken, Meagan’s hand is on her daughter’s head. How sweet is that? 🙂

If you’re expecting and interested in a Year in the Life plan for your little one, please Contact Us for details.

Tell Your Story |

I’m so glad I finally got to meet this beautiful lady and her family. Jenn is such a sweetheart and her and her hubby have such a fun and silly relationship. Life can get heavy sometimes. I love when couples can let loose and not take themselves too seriously. Laughter is such an important part of love. And I can’t forget to mention Nala, their baby girl, and a big part of the love that binds them together.



Tell Your Story |

I’m always trying to think of ways to describe what makes you special, Adela. You are my little rainbow, vibrant, full of life. People call you bouncy when they meet you. They say you talk like a princess. You are a princess. A girly girl. Sweet and affectionate and lovely. You have your own mind, but are reasonable. You can be swayed. You are intuitive and sensitive and empathetic. You are unpredictable and dramatic. You are beautiful and unexpected. My Bohemian Rhapsody. And I love to watch you dance.



And since I couldn’t put you in a dress and ask you to dance for me, you got to sit and watch, my Jo. Cute in all your boyishness. Don’t worry, I’ll be dressing you up in something at some point. You’re not off the hook. 😉2014-March---Family-512-WM

My name is Amanda, and I’m a professional photographer who specializes in family sessions that highlight interactions, personalities, relationships, and the preservation of memories. I’m always after photographs that capture a little bit more than just what you look like. Family photojournalism is what I’m passionate about, and I offer {Day in the Life} sessions that are specially designed to capture the same kind of everyday moments for your family. Contact us to inquire about booking your session. I’d love to hear from you and chat with you about how we can Tell Your Story.

Tell Your Story |

It’s official, my first {Year in the Life} twins have turned one! I’ve photographed them from newborns to toddlers, every other month for their entire first year. It’s been fun for me to see how even as newborns their personalities stood apart. They shared a womb and have grown up together, but they maintain their own personalities. Little Bree was the newborn who didn’t want to be swaddled, didn’t want to sleep and be still. She was active. And now as a toddler, she was the first to crawl and now, right before her one year mark, is the first to walk. Brennan, he’s chill. He was a mellow newborn and he’s a mellow little boy. He didn’t even mind Bree stealing his cake during thee cake smash. She decided his cake was better than hers, evidenced by the *blue* frosting on her fingers. Little stinker. But Brennan didn’t mind. Like I said. Chill. If someone was stealing my cake, you better believe I’d protest. 😉

It’s been such a fun experience for me to be a part of!

Happy first birthday, sweet twins! I look forward to watching you continue to grow up and seeing what good friends and individuals you become.



We offer several baby plans for expecting families including {Year in the Life} packages to capture milestone moments over the coarse of baby’s first year. We also offer First Birthday sessions for little one’s celebrating their first big day!

Contact Us today for more information.

Tell Your Story |

Little Delainey is the perfect one-year-old, giggling at silliness, clapping, climbing, blowing kisses. We had a good time wandering around Pioneertown together, letting her do what she wanted to do, and capturing some family photos before the arrival of her little brother.

Baby brother Bennett made his debut just a couple of months later, and we photographed him as well as part of a {Belly to Baby} plan. Look for newborn Bennett’s session on the blog soon.


Are you expecting and interested in a maternity session or a {Belly to Baby} plan? Contact Us for more info.

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M y   F a m i l y
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