DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

Toddlers are toddlers for such a short amount of time. It’s fascinating and mind-blowing to watch your baby go from a completely helpless little ball of newness to a walking, laughing, full-of-personality individual. And this time, right before the really start talking but can still communicate? It’s so fun. Every age is sweet for its own reasons, but I adore toddlers because they’re new but growing up, independent but still need you so much. They’re unpredictable and without filters. They are honest and sweet and surprising.

I know his Momma wanted to capture some of that, and I think we did.


This last one is my favorite, but it needs explaining. He knows where the moon is, and likes to show you where it’s at. One of those sweet, fleeting specifics about little Landon, a part of his story that is now preserved in a photo.

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  • Rebecca Simmons - Wow Amanda! You are so amazing at what you do! I teared up looking at these photos! You captured everything from that age that I wanted to hold on to and remember… Thank you so much! <3 <3ReplyCancel

  • Donald - You have a really cute blog and your photography work is great. It really captures how pretty the valley area is. Great job and keep up the good work. I really enjoy looking at the pictures you have posted!ReplyCancel

This session was the result of a Christmas present, a gift certificate given to this little family by their extended family. They wanted to make sure that Liesl and Johnny and baby Gabriel had some family photos to keep them company during Johnny’s upcoming deployment. It was a lovely evening in the park, the perfect weather, an adorable baby with very nice parents.

The pose in the final pictures we captured has been a tradition for them at every major milestone in their relationship. I love that we were able to continue it in a spontaneous way. I’d say having a baby is a pretty big milestone. I think it’s cool that the photo also captures the desert, the place where they had their first baby. Special.


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Meet perfect baby Reece. Well, you may have met her already if you follow this blog. I photographed her when she was a bump, and I photographed her first breath in this world, and now I get to take pictures of her in a series of sessions over the course of the first year of her life, a whole {Year in the Life} of Reece. Look for her 3, 6 and 9 month sessions (already shot!) and her First Birthday session coming up soon!

Expecting? Contact us to find out more about our {Year in the Life} package and other baby plans.





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Every now and then, I like to share a few photos from our personal family albums. Here’s a little mini session we did with the kids before heading out to a Harvest Party and some game playing/candy collecting. Sheriff Dela and Deputy Jo kept the Old West safe last night, and looked adorable doing it. Hope it was a good evening for ya’ll as well!


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Contact Us for more information about scheduling your newborn, baby, child, maternity or family session here.

Every now and then I have to share some personal photos. I’m now a half a year behind with client blogging, and I’m having a hard time playing catch up. So, I figured, what the hay? I’ll start with a few of my baby girl that we took on our walk to her classroom this morning.

She’s owned these rain boots for 2 years. This is the first time she’s worn them. Yay! That’s what happens when you buy rain boots on clearance and save them for puddles when you live in the Mojave desert.  Amazingly, they still fit. So we pulled them on, took them to school, and I got my 10 minute Momtographer fix, photographing my favorite subject under these rare and blessed clouds.

I love the clouds! I love the rain… says the girl from Seattle. It actually makes my heart ache for the Northwest, days like today. And then I remember what a pain in the butt it is to plan any outdoor activities in the Northwest, and I’m grateful for the California sunshine. 🙂


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Professional Family & Newborn Photographer serving Southern California (Yucca Valley, Joshua Tree, Palm Springs, La Quinta, Twentynine Palms & beyond)

Get more information about booking your session here.

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