DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

If you’ve followed my work at all, you know this family. I’ve photographed them more than just about any other family, for the past 5 years. This is just 3 of the bunch, a special session to celebrate the lastest addition to their bunch. Ann. She may be new. She may be little. But she’s already a huge and indespensible part of her family, and she’s so very obviously happy about that fact. <3


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Pretty Gemma is 9 Months old. She’s another of our {Year in the Life} babies, and I’ve been photographing her every few months since she was a newborn. She has the most beautiful coloring, like a little Snow White. Unsurprisingly she won a costume contest last October when she dressed up like her Disney Princess doppelganger. If you ask me, with her porcelain skin, rosy lips and black hair, it was a sure thing! We’re planning two more sessions for her before her First Year Baby plan is wrapped up. I’ll get to photograph her 12 month Milestone Session plus her First Birthday Party. Stay tuned for more of this sweet girl in upcoming months.


We took so many cute photos during this session, but this final one is one of my favorites. Gemma’s Grandma has been a behind-the-scenes helping hand at every session we’ve shot for her. She wasn’t planning on being any of the photographs this time, but was willing,  after a bit of encouragement. This makes my heart happy! Little girls need photos with their Grandmas. It’s so very special and I hope they both treasure these moments and the photos that will preserve a little bit of the beginning of their very special relationship for many, many years to come.

If you’re expecting and interested in finding out more about our {First Year Baby} plans and how we can preserve your baby’s milestone ages in photographs, Contact Us for more information about how to reserve your spot.

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