DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

One of my favorite ways to start a session is in our clients’ homes! Capturing space along with face is a passion of mine. This family, in fact, has moved since these photos were taken. They’ll never again be able to call these rooms their own. It’s become a part of their history, but as they grow up, they’ll have these images (and many others) to remind them of their old bedrooms. I think that’s fantastic! And since the park was across the street, we were able to incorporate the best of both inside and outside worlds into one session.


DelaLane Photography is a baby and family photography business serving Yucca Valley, La Quinta, and Joshua Tree, California, and the surrounding areas. We’re now booking 2016 family and baby sessions and {Belly to Baby} and {Year in the Life} first year plans for expecting families due in 2016! Space is limited and fills up fast. Contact Us to find out more about how to reserve your spot in 2016 now!

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A year and a half ago, Reece was 3 Months old. And her faces are cracking me up a year and a half later. 🙂


I got to photograph this darling girl every three months as part of a DelaLane Photography {Year in the Life} plan, 6 sessions that captured the milestone ages of her first year.

Expecting? Contact Us to find out more about a First Year Photography Plan for your baby, and never forget the sweet face that changes so quickly from brand new baby to big kid in 12 short months.

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More hats this month, and more camping, and more everyday moments at home…

Putting these posts together is fun for me. It’s become a quick process, and that’s not something I could have always claimed. If a 365 teaches you anything, it’s to be decisive, and to let go of perfection. This 365 has been much easier for me than my last one because I feel like I’ve learned that lesson, to some extent at least.

In the past 5 years, I’ve taken and edited hundreds of thousands of photos for myself, and thousands upon thousands for clients. The more I’ve shot, the more decisive I’ve become, and the less attached I’ve become to my photos. It used to be hard to pick which photo or two to share on a given day when I take 25 or 50 or 100 that I love. Why? Because I’m a fantastic photographer? No. Because I love my kids, and I care about my clients. I get emotionally invested in my photography, especially my personal photography.

But I no longer have an overwhelming desire to make sure everybody knows about every single fantastic photo I’ve taken in a day. There is such freedom in shooting for yourself, in having nothing left to prove. Why do I bring this up? I don’t know. It’s on my mind. And I wish I could have communicated that to myself years ago. Because I was pretty stressed out. And I wasted a lot of time. I have nothing to prove. I want to encourage anyone who is feeling overwhelmed by the vast amounts of photographic talent there is on the market today, or anyone who feels frustrated by where they are compared to where they want to be.

Let it go. Really. Photography is so much fun. It gives back so much. Don’t be overwhelmed. You have nothing to prove. Enjoy the process. Enjoy the memories. Do your best, but let go of perfection. You’ll be a better photographer for it. Give the grace you want to receive. Be you regardless of what other people do. Smile back at those smiling faces in the photographs you take, even if you’re the only one who ever sees it. You’re preserving memories. That’s what it’s all about.

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This has been the month of outside activities, new cities, 6 states, National Parks, new heights of sibling affection, cowboy hat obsession, and our first ever truck bed drive-in viewing. It’s been summer. I’m posting this as my baby girl is 4 days away from beginning Kindergarten, 5 days a week, in school, away from me. I wish I wasn’t the cliche heart-broken Mom dreading Monday morning, the day my baby girl officially becomes a school age child, but I am. At least a little. I’m excited for her too, but I didn’t expect to be so emotional about it. It hurts. The time. It goes.

Thank God for every minute I get to spend with these special kiddos. And for photographs to help me remember the days that sometimes seem to go by in a blur.

There are many positives of course, one of them being more one-on-one time for me and my little guy. And for that, I am grateful. The hole that will be left by his big sister, his best friend, and constant companion will be tough to fill, but I get to try. So I’m praying that God will allow us, in this time of change, to deepen our momma-son bond and give us lots of opportunities to grow and make memories together. It’s a good thing. But man, the idea of it is hard. We’re going to miss this girl!


This is the 7th month of {Daily Cup of Jo}, a 365 project chronicling our 2-year-old son’s every day moments in one second a day. Find the rest of the posts here.

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This month is the month of summer beginnings, of Preschool Graduation (which makes us first time Kindergarten parents, Yikes!), of cowboy hat obsessions, of backyard construction, and of another west coast road trip. Our travels took us from our home in California to our childhood homes in Washington. Both Craig and I are still able to visit our parents in the homes where we spent almost our entire youths. I think that’s a pretty neat thing to get to share with our kids, the legacy of family and places and all their associated memories. Here are a few of the highlights, a second from each day (almost) of June 2015.

Six Months Down. Can it be? Phew! Check out the rest of Jo’s 365 here.

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