DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

Senior Portraits La Quinta Yucca Valley - DelaLane Photography

DelaLane Photography is a baby and family photography business serving Yucca Valley, La Quinta, and Joshua Tree, California, and the surrounding areas. We’re now booking 2016 family and baby sessions and {Belly to Baby} and {Year in the Life} first year plans for expecting families due in 2016! Space is limited and fills up fast. Contact Us to find out more about how to reserve your spot in 2016 now!

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This sweet little family was visiting Grandma and Grandpa from a cold, faraway place. We made sure we got lots of photos palm trees and sunshine in their photos. Happy memories of our beautiful California desert resort towns to keep them warm through the winter. Vacations are a good time to get those yearly family photos taken! Heading to Palm Desert? La Quinta? Palm Springs? Contact Us!


DelaLane Photography is a baby and family photography business serving Yucca Valley, La Quinta, and Joshua Tree, California, and the surrounding areas. We’re now booking 2016 family and baby sessions and {Belly to Baby} and {Year in the Life} first year plans for expecting families due in 2016! Space is limited and fills up fast. Contact Us to find out more about how to reserve your spot in 2016 now!

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When this guy turned one and celebrated with a bouncy house, a ball pit, cake, presents, family and friends… πŸ™‚

Yucca Valley Baby Photography - First Birthday Party

DelaLane Photography is a baby and family photography business serving Yucca Valley, La Quinta, and Joshua Tree, California, and the surrounding areas. We’re now booking 2016 family and baby sessions and {Belly to Baby} and {Year in the Life} first year plans for expecting families due in 2016! Space is limited and fills up fast. Contact Us to find out more about how to reserve your spot in 2016 now!

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Joshua Tree Family Session - DelaLane Photography

DelaLane Photography is a baby and family photography business serving Yucca Valley, La Quinta, and Joshua Tree, California, and the surrounding areas. We’re now booking 2016 family and baby sessions and {Belly to Baby} and {Year in the Life} first year plans for expecting families due in 2016! Space is limited and fills up fast. Contact Us to find out more about how to reserve your spot in 2016 now!

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Is it too early to get excited about putting all these daily photos into an album at the end of the year? I can’t wait to be able to flip through them like I get to do with album I put together of Adela’s 365! I shot that daily project back in 2012, the year she was 2. She is so big now, so completely different. A little girl. A kindergartner who is learning to read. It’s so fun to be able to easily go back and reminisce about her everyday life when she was a toddler. It never ceases to amaze me how much I forget without the photos to remind me. It’s a treasure.
With 9 months down, and only 3 to go in 2015, it’s starting to feel like I might make it to the end of this project for 2015, our son, my Jo, our two-about-to-turn-three-year-old. And then I’ll have a matching set of albums, one for each of my kiddos. Love love.
And still to come, my favorite time of year. All four of our birthdays are coming up, more Disneyland, hopefully more camping, the pumpkin patch, Christmas. It’s the beginning of my favorite time of year. My camera is happy.

Here’s some seconds from September.

Check more {Daily Cup of Jo}, January through August, here.

DelaLane Photography is a baby and family photography business serving Yucca Valley, La Quinta, and Joshua Tree, California, and the surrounding areas. We’re now booking 2016 family and baby sessions and {Belly to Baby} and {Year in the Life} first year plans for expecting families due in 2016! Space is limited and fills up fast. Contact Us to find out more about how to reserve your spot in 2016 now!

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