DelaLane Photography Blog » {Tell Your Story} Newborn & Family Lifestyle Photography in Yucca Valley, Ca

Addy and the Pumpkin Pants | Yucca Valley Photographer

I’ve been stocking up on props for my in-home studio in preparation for having my own little newborn to photograph these next few months while I’m on maternity leave…

 *** (More sessions like this will available to clients next year! Stay tuned for more info!)***

…That and I had these awesome pumpkin pants that sweet little Felicity – one of my Year in the Life babies – didn’t want to pose in from a session earlier this week. Her Mom worked so hard on carving it, I couldn’t let it go to waste! Luckily an almost-three-year-old is much easier to bribe than a 10-month old. She basically ate jelly beans and M&Ms for lunch in order for me to get these photos, but I sure do think they are worth a little sugar high and extra tooth brushing. I’m never above a little bribery! So proud of my little girl. We have kind of an awesome working relationship when it comes to photography. I couldn’t ask for a better daughter or a better subject. Love her.

Hope the impending arrival of Autumn and all the wonderful holidays that follow treat you and your families well! Happy Pumpkin Month, everybody!


Oh, and here’s another little trick for all you folks who are trying to get some awesome pictures of your kiddos at the pumpkin patch this year. How about letting your kids favorite “friends” take their picture? Both Mickey and Baby Lady took quite a few of these photos for me. She loves to pose for her Disney friends. And then she insisted that I take one with her and them together. Totally her idea. 🙂

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